Darrah Takes Lead Role in Next Phase of TechWorks Campus Development

posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 in Blog


As the TechWorks Campus project progresses to implementation there will be changes in its management structure. Alliance & Chamber CEO Steve Dust has held the role of TechWorks Campus President since its inception in 2006. Current TechWorks General Manager Cary Darrah will assume the responsibilities of President beginning July 1, 2016.

Darrah was hired as General Manager in June of 2007. The attention of Dust, Darrah and other partners over the first eight years of the project has been preparation of the Campus for development and adjusting the original vision to carve out opportunities for the giant redevelopment project. Darrah oversaw the removal of several large industrial structures and management of the Brownfield site. Now, she will focus on marketing and attracting tenants to available space in the Tech 1 building, light industrial and commercial parcels in the 30 acre Campus.

The technical, legal, contractual, financial, economic and political demands of the Campus development during its startup were significant. Dust's skills, experience, persistence and wisdom helped keep diverse project participants focused and unified.

“Steve's fingerprints on this campus development will never be removed,” says Tim Hurley, TechWorks Campus Board Chair and former Waterloo Mayor, “Without his vision, direction and guidance I am confident we could have or would have easily surrendered to any one of many stiff challenges faced along the way.”

Dust assumes a new role in the organization as its vice-chair, with strategic management and oversight responsibilities. Darrah will continue to report to Dust in her new role.

Darrah’s achievements in the Cedar Valley are highly visible, especially on Main Street in Cedar Falls where she served as Executive Director from 1997-2007. During that time Cedar Falls Community Main Street was recognized as one of five Great American Main Street Communities. Under Darrah's leadership, the district became one of the first cultural and entertainment districts in Iowa and underwent a complete street scape overhaul.

In 2013, Darrah took on the role of Vice President of Community Development with the Alliance & Chamber while maintaining her position with TechWorks. Darrah's responsibilities with the Alliance & Chamber are expected to change as her attention shifts back to full time development of the TechWorks Campus.

“It is particularly exciting to lead in this phase of TechWorks development. The public can finally see the results of 10 year's work,” says Darrah. “I am optimistic that the explosion of new development in the area, the Tech 2 mixed use project including the Courtyard Waterloo – Cedar Falls, the John Deere Regional Training Center, and restaurant; Single Speed; Grand Crossing; and Hawkeye Community College, will help TechWorks attract the right mix of tenants as we work to fulfill the vision for the Iowa Advanced Manufacturing Network Hub, and bring retailers into our Iowa Reinvestment District.”

TechWorks Campus is a private non-profit corporation and subsidiary of the Greater Cedar

Valley Alliance & Chamber. More information can be found at or by contacting Cary Darrah at, or Wes James Facilities Manager at, or by calling (319) 232-1156.

