Responses from Representative Walt Rogers
posted on Thursday, August 16, 2012 in Blog
The following responce is from Representative Walt Rogers to questions posed from GCVAC Director of Government Relations Steve Firman.
- Our goal for this year was to continue a budget that is predictable, sustainable and does not spend more than we take in. We accomplished that. Dollar for dollar, we are spending less than we did in 2010. Business owners tell me they need state government to continue in those practices of predictability. My principle of smaller smarter governments rests on the truth that a dollar that stays in the hands of the business owner is more efficiently spent then if it goes to government. I will continue to work for results that follow this belief, even while the opposing party works against this idea.
- Tax relief is a must and will continue to be a focus for the leaders in the republican party. We proposed five different property tax relief proposals this past session, each being denied by the Iowa Senate. The Democrats continue to push for a band aid approach of property tax relief, calling for a buy down of rates. This does not fix the systemic problem. We will work for real property and income tax relief. We will also work to eliminate feckless regulations and burdensome rules that hamstring businesses, so that they can turn their profits into jobs.
Representative Walt Rogers
Representing HD 20 –Waterloo,Cedar Falls, Hudson, and Voorhies
(515) 281-3221